Melissa Utomo and Project Beta Are Trying To Save Climbing, From Itself

“We’re asking, what are my challenges; what keeps me away from climbing and what brings me towards it,” said Melissa. The intention is that, by focusing on content and a diverse user experience, they can move beyond the one note depiction of climbers as white, cisgender, able-bodied and male.

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Stop Making Movies About White Guys Doing Cool Shit: The Sequel

…they have the means, the resources to condition themselves for the single-minded pursuit of an irrelevant task that adds no value to the world, that saves no one, that does nothing to address actual problems. And we, the audience watch to see if, with every possible resource and assurance, they are able to complete the task. Spoiler alert, they usually do.

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How Climbing's Mental Game Can Help Relieve Anxiety

I’ve dealt with anxiety since I was a child. I came out at 12 to a conservative community, and was bullied throughout my elementary and high school years for being queer, gender nonconforming, asian and for my weight. The ongoing stress from these experiences resulted in my brain being wired in a way that always anticipated the worst.

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How to Deal with Racism in the Outdoors

The outdoors do not always feel like a great place for a woman of color because of the other people who occupy, and in most cases have ownership of that space. The same people who claim there is no barrier are often the ones building the fence while denying they’re holding a hammer and nails.

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How To Look Good Skiing (And Other Life Lessons)

I sat alone on the side of the mountain nursing my pride and a torn ligament. To be fair I didn’t realize how serious the injury was at the time. And while I considered asking for help, I was too shy and embarrassed to admit that I needed it. Instead I thought back to what got me into skiing in the first place.

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